Simple Chat UI Documentation



The simple_chat_ui library is a Flutter package that provides a collection of widgets to help you create a chat user interface for your mobile application. This library allows you to easily display text messages, images, and custom content in a chat-like format.

The library is intended to simplify the process of creating chat interfaces by providing pre-designed components for messages and chat bubbles. You can use these components to build chat interfaces quickly and efficiently.


To use the simple_chat_ui library in your Flutter project, you need to add it to your pubspec.yaml file. Open the pubspec.yaml file and add the following line under the dependencies section:


Then, run flutter pub get to fetch and install the package.


Import the Library

To use the simple_chat_ui library in your Dart file, import it as follows:

import 'package:simple_chat_ui/simple_chat_ui.dart';



This widget is used to display chat messages, including text and images, in a chat-like format. It provides options to display the sender’s avatar, message content, and a timestamp.


  • message (String?): The message text to display. Set to null if you want to display an image instead.
  • image (Image?): An optional image widget to display instead of a text message. Set to null if you want to display a text message.
  • avatar (CircleAvatar?): The sender’s avatar.
  • onImageTap (GestureTapCallback?): A callback function to execute when the image is tapped.
  • width (double): The maximum width of the chat bubble.
  • time (DateTime): The timestamp of the message.
  • senderID (String): The unique identifier of the sender.
  • isMe (bool): Set to true if the message is sent by the current user, false otherwise.
  • displayName (String): The display name of the sender.
  • isContinue (bool): Set to true if the message continues from the previous one in the same chat, false if it’s a new message.

This widget is used to display custom content in a chat-like format. It provides options to display the sender’s avatar, custom content, and a timestamp.


  • avatar (CircleAvatar?): The sender’s avatar.
  • width (double): The maximum width of the chat bubble.
  • body (Widget): The custom content to display.
  • time (DateTime): The timestamp of the message.
  • senderID (String): The unique identifier of the sender.
  • isMe (bool): Set to true if the message is sent by the current user, false otherwise.
  • displayName (String): The display name of the sender.
  • isContinue (bool): Set to true if the message continues from the previous one in the same chat, false if it’s a new message.


Here’s an example of how to use the SimpleChatUI widgets in a Flutter application:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:simple_chat_ui/simple_chat_ui.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Simple Chat UI Example'),
        body: ChatScreen(),

class ChatScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ListView(
      children: [
          message: 'Hello, how are you?',
          width:  MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width * (2 / 3),
          senderID: 'user123',
          isMe: true,
          displayName: 'User',
          isContinue: false,
          width:  MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width * (2 / 3),
          senderID: 'user123',
          isMe: false,
          displayName: 'Other User',
          isContinue: true,
          avatar: CircleAvatar(
            backgroundImage: AssetImage('assets/avatar.jpg'),
          width:  MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width * (2 / 3),
          body: Text('This is a custom message.'),
          senderID: 'user123',
          isMe: true,
          displayName: 'User',
          isContinue: false,

This example demonstrates how to use the SimpleChatUI widgets to create a chat interface with text messages, images, and custom content.


The simple_chat_ui library simplifies the process of creating chat interfaces in Flutter applications. You can use the provided widgets to display messages, images, and custom content in a chat-like format, saving you time and effort in UI development.